Мој Телекабел




"Moj Telekabel" is your personal profile where you can have an overview of all the services you use, monthly debits, traffic check, detailed telephone bill, to be informed about the latest offers and to pay your bills online.TELECABEL services are currently offered in 13 cities in Macedonia. The full coverage with its own network covers Stip, Bitola, Veles, Strumica, Kavadarci, Kocani, St. Nikole Skopje, Radovish, Negotino, Prilep, Ohrid and Gevgelija.With quality and professional work and the motto - the client always in the first place, Telekabel is what it is today - one of the most successful Macedonian companies and Macedonian recognizable brand.Telekabel has been in the 200 most successful companies in Macedonia for 8 years in a row. In 2013, it was ranked 51st on the list of most successful. It was declared the most humane company in Stip, the best company in Stip, MK Brand of Macedonia, and for 2011/12 and 2013/14 and the Super Brand of Macedonia.